Monday, October 18, 2010

Tattoo Ideas - angelina Jolei Tattoo in Back

For some people the reason they refrain from getting a tattoo in the first place is because they feel they will regret their tattoo decision or they just simple can't comprehend the idea of having inked embedded in their skin for the rest of your life. However, that is just a chance you are going to have to take when you get a tattoo.

Tattoo Ideas - angelina Jolei Tattoo in BackBut don't fret you are not a lone in the tattoo regret department. It has been said that more woman than men regret their tattoo decisions, mainly because woman are judged more often than men when it comes to tattoos. However, if you do regret one of your tattoo designs, you are not alone at all. The incredible Angelina Jolie has several tattoos that she has regretted and gotten covered up and lasered off.

Here's a pretty lengthy list of the tattoos that Angelina has regretted and gotten covered up.

1. A dragon on her left arm (She has been lasering it for some months now but it can still be faintly seen).

2. "Billy Bob" tattoo, the name of her former husband Billy Bob Thornton, on her left arm, which she attended several laser sessions to get it removed. However you can still faintly see it.

3. A Chinese character tattooed for courage now covered by the Tennessee Williams quote.

4. A Chinese character tattooed that is believed to mean death is now covered by the prayer for eldest son Maddox.

Tattoo Ideas - angelina Jolei Tattoo in Back

5. A tattoo both Thornton and Jolie shared. It was on her right forearm, now covered by the "strength of will" tattoo.

6. A dragon she got in Amsterdam while Angelina was drunk, now covered by the Latin cross.

7. A window on her lower back. While she was on Inside the Actors Studio, she explained that she covered this tattoo, because, while she used to spend all of her time looking out through windows wishing to be outside, she now lives there all of the time.

what is your tattoo quote?

tattoo quotes
There are millions of quotes is available that can be used as a tattoo. Most of these quotes into the following categories.

tattoo quotes

1 - Strength and Confidence - The strength and confidence quote the most famous tattoo of this type of phrase. If you want to spread out a positive vibration in your life and the people around you, this quote is for you.

2 - Life - Life quotes, as the name suggests, is a quote about life and life problems. They provide important insights about how one should live his life. They provide us with the means to tide through the difficult phase of life. They teach us how to live an authentic and happy. In one line or two, they provide us with the world's wisdom. When using them as a tattoo, make sure that they reflect your life and represent the opinions and views about life.

3 - Love - If you're in love and find some unique ways to express your feelings, love quotes tattoo for you. Over the last few decades, love tattoos phrase is gaining great popularity as a way to express feelings of love. Lovers love to carve the name of their beloved as a tattoo. And you may have seen some celebrity love quotes carved along with the name of their beloved as a tattoo on their body. So, go and express your love by getting tattoos with quote love.

4 - Passion - What is your passion in life? You can be passionate about writing, singing, acting, music, nature, family, friends, community, painting or whatever it is. Get your passion as a tattoo on your body and let the world know what you like?

tattoo quotes


[1] Karan Kapoor,

Joey's Señorita

I met Joey on the subway one afternoon last month after spotting this cool tattoo on his left forearm:

He told me that this Mexican girl, a señorita with a jug of alcohol, was a way of incorporating his wife's Hispanic heritage into a traditional pin-up tattoo. I asked Joey if this resembled her in any way and he said it didn't, however he still appreciates the symbolism, along with a little drop of humor.

The tattoo was created by Johnny Truant at Lotus Tattoo in Sayville. Click the Lotus tag below to see other work from Lotus that has appeared on the site.

Thanks to Joey for sharing this lovely tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!