Thursday, August 12, 2010

Update on the Great Friday the 13th Tattoo Experiment

Well, many generous souls allowed me to reach the goal and now we're halfway to a tattoo for Melanie. You can still donate, though. It will allow you to vote for what I get, and all proceeds go to the artist(s).

Here's where I'll be:

And here are our choices. Sponsors can pick the top three choices, along with where they want it to go. Check out the flash:

Flash by Joey Wilson
 Flash by Zoe
Flash by Derik Snell
Flash by Jacob Des
Flash by Brian Faulk

So those generous souls who contributed, please vote. And don't forget to choose a limb!

If you want to vote on my tattoo, you can still contribute to my (and Melanie's) ink fund by clicking on the "Donate" button to the left. Thanks, all!

The Great Friday the 13th Tattoo Experiment

Long time readers of this blog may recall this event, when Friday the 13th  fell on my wife Melanie's birthday.

I didn't get a Friday the 13th tattoo then, because we were celebrating for Melanie.

This month we have another Friday the 13th, and I'm itching for my own little celebratory tattoo.

But I want to include the Tattoosday community in this journey, and I want you to pay for it.

Wait, hear me out. I've placed a PayPal badge on Tattoosday for people to make donations. A Friday the 13th piece is only twenty bucks ($13 for the ink plus $7 for tip). I've already budgeted for my older daughter's
birthday on Saturday, so all my funds are tied up. But, in exchange for contributions, I'll trade power. Contributors will get to decide, within reason, what tattoo I will get and where I will get it.

So, assuming I get $20 in PayPal contributions today, whether it be $1 from 20 people, or $5 from 4 people, those patrons will have votes on what tattoo I get, and where.

Those who contribute receive a vote per dollar and will get to select the flash (which I will email to contributors and try to post on the blog from the shop). You also get to vote on which limb will receive the ink.

Hand of Glory's Flash from November 2009

No face or neck tattoos, no designs of genitalia, but if you pay, you have a say. I'll get it, I'll report it and I'll share it.

So, if you're interested, click on the Donate button on the left and secure your vote(s) through PayPal contributions.

Think about it, if twenty of you contribute a dollar, you can participate cheaply in the inking of yours truly. If you don't contribute, and I don't achieve my funding goal, oh, what a boring day Friday will be for all of

The primary purpose of this experiment is  to see if it will work. If anyone out there is interested in seeing this work, please help out.

Any questions, feel free to e-mail me or post them in the comments section.

Thank you,


Jack Kerouac Back

This is an orphan post, what I refer to as a photo with no real story attached to it, as the individual who let me take the photo, never e-mailed me with any further details.

I shot the picture at the end of the Brooklyn Cyclones-Staten Island Yankees game at MCU Park in Coney Island.

The crowd was filing out, so a protracted conversation was not an option.

The woman who belongs to this tattoo, however, did allow me to take the photo and said it was a quote from Jack Kerouac's On the Road.

It's a slightly modified version of this phenomenal passage:

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!”

If you're reading this, Dear Contributor, please accept my thanks for allowing us to enjoy your tattoo here on Tattoosday, but contact me, please, to tell us more.