Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Beauty Of Fairy Tattoos

A design that reflects the beauty and innocence of youth, fairy
are becoming very popular among many. Women and young
females alike love the beautiful and graceful look of the fairy,
that they oftentimes depict the image on their skin as a tattoo.

The reason why so many women are getting "fairy tattoos" is that this design
is sometimes associated with angelic beauty of the world of fairy tales. But although fairy tattoos are associated with these things it can also represent
symbols of mischievous, sadness, joy and many other human emotions.Fairy tattoos can also be designed to reflect your own individual preferences and personality.

fairy tattoo flashFairy tattoos are mostly known as a feminine inspired design that sometimes, a
select few men will choose to get the design but will opt for a more manly tattoo design of a fairy.
Fairy tattoos can be tattooed as a stand alone tattoo design or incorporated with other designs such as the moon, hearts, stars, mystic animals, flowers, butterfly's, clouds and other themes of fantasy.

Fairy tattoo ideas
A few fairy tattoo ideas.

fairy tattoo designThe designs of fairy tattoos can be very simple to being a complex design of creativity. The use of bright colors can eccentric the design making it feel
more of a fantasy cartoon like figure. While earthly colors brings
out a much realistic look to the fairy tattoo. Finding ideas for fairy tattoos can be found reading books of mystical and fantasy subjects. You can also get ideas from viewing pictures of fairy tattoos to get a sense of what you may like to incorporate into your own design.

Chris Interprets Heaven and Hell

Last month I met Chris, from Malden, Massachusetts, and he shared this incredible sleeve, still in progress. He estimates that it represents 25 hours of tattooing.

The overall motif of the sleeve is heaven and hell, and Chris was kind enough to address several elements in the design, many of which are deeply personal.

Chris began this tattoo's journey to acknowledge his first year of sobriety from alcohol and drugs.

It is an omnipresent reminder that "hell is always an arm's length away". The angel resides in heaven and the gates of heaven, on the inner arm, represent the goal, or entry into heaven.

Rising up toward heaven are two figures reaching toward this goal. The pair aiming for heaven represent two of Chris' friends, both who overdosed and died, having perished in the hell of addiction.

Chris drew me attention to Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guards the gates of Hell.

To him, the three heads of the hell-hound represent alcohol, opiates, and cocaine, the three substances to which he had been addicted.

This sleeve is the work of the tattoo artist Rafael Serrano, formerly of The Painted Bird, in Medford, MA.

Thanks to Chris for sharing this deeply personal tattoo in progress with us. We're hoping to get updates in the future when more work is done.

We appreciate Chris' forthrightness and strength, and wish for his continued recovery.