Monday, October 4, 2010

PERMANENT by Riot Productions

A union of steel and flesh, the art of ink and skin – PERMANENT will dispel the taboos surrounding the world of counter-culture in Singapore.

Join us for a New Year party like you’ve never seen before at the aptly-named Infusion, and prepare to experience a mesmerising night of art where the skin becomes the canvas. With live tattooing and piercing exhibitions and sessions from four of the foremost tattoo studios in Singapore, as well as professional skin airbrushing, Henna painting, and a mind-blowing graffiti showcase, we promise an evening that will be permanently seared into your mind.

Participating Tattoo/Art Studios:
Immortal Tattoos
2) Primitive Art Piercing & Tattoo Studio
Visual Orgasm
4) Art Inflict
5) Attic Gothic Lolita Punk
6) Path (Body Art & Special Effects)

Event is gonna be a tattoo exhibition/new year party.
Activities going on are the following:
1) Live Tattooing from all studios
2) Live Piercing (Walk-in)
3) Airbrush
4) Henna
5) Body painting showcase
6) Body Piercing showcase
7) Graffiti showcase
8) Live spinning by DJ Nel of Riot Productions

Tattoo performance - Zirca

Special Performances include:
Body suspensions, ritual, blood play by
Roland, VISAVAJARA, Freiburg,
Shane, Galaxy Tattoos, Ink Tank Zurich.
Susan, Ink Tank, Zurich
Wellie, Welie Piercing, Fribourg

What better way to start of Chastity : Artistry of Unsound Minds ? Party !!

Shane on the suspension

Shane and Roland

Carlston and me !!

Jocelyn with the Jug.. Ooops !!

Alex checking on me if I have fever..Haha !!

You don't wanna know what was caught few seconds before this !!

I love you Carlston !!

Daphne Ang - Covermodel of FLASHInk Magazine

Lauren and Moi !

Edmund going wild !

Justin - The quiet boy...

Alex Flashing !!

I have no idea what happened..!!

Here we go again.

Bea and Me - My Chacha dance partner.. hehe !!

Pam and Bea by my side.. What can I say?

Thanks Bea for the pictures !! We partied on through the night, going home wasted as usual. This might explain why there hasn't been much updates... Haha !!

maori tattoo designs

maori tattoo japanese tattoo design
Japanese tattoos are one of the most favorite tattoo designs, and one of them is what it is called : Moori tattoo design. Have a look further reference !

Maori tattooing called Ta Moko is a tradition which originated from eastern Polynesia and especially typical of almost every other type of tattoo. teacher Maori tattoo designs are also known as tohunga moko - traditional hand used a variety of chisels or Uhi of certain bone fragments from an albatross and etched it into the skin makes a tattoo with a groove in contrast to the smooth finished appearance of the tattoo that the individual has grown to become familiar with. Albatross bone can be hafted to a handle on the side to then slam down the hammer. The tohunga moko-to-implement awheto may be for the body color other than firewood ngarehu more commonly known as a dark black face for your area.

maori tattoo japanese tattoo design

In the legacy of pre-European Maori people most with higher positions obtained Maori tattoo designs and they are not including the one that was observed to have lower social reputation. Maori tattoo designs together with the rites and rituals are experienced as the changeover from childhood to adulthood, will have countless Maori tattoo designs in order to become more attractive to the opposite sex.

maori tattoo japanese tattoo design

In the past, tattoo design is located on the face, buttocks and upper thigh on men as well as additional areas of the lips and chin of a woman then again some women choose to wear it on their thighs and neck are also common with men have recently These look to have them on their stomach and calf.

maori tattoo japanese tattoo design

Maori design consists of a spiral that usually relay messages ancestral / tribal with taking them. Relay this message wearer's family-owned information and ethnic affiliation and social rank and standing. The message will convey that the assessment and understanding people in their social standing.

maori tattoo japanese tattoo design

Many Maori were born and brought up in a small village called ta moko tattoo hapu and will reveal their level of state recognition in their hapu. Signs genealogy on Maori tattoo designs also will detail whether or not an individual is to supply his public office through blood or involvement. Describe whether the person who obtained status above the virtues associated with the heritage and accreditation.

Usually in the 90s there is spike the number of men and women get tattoos depict the revival in Maori language and traditions. Many people who decide general techniques do ta moko with a chisel rather than using a needle is now common.

With the recent uprising of Maori tattoo designs and the number of non-practicing the art of the Maoris in fact, a large number of common local Maoris' have voiced their own thoughts in addition to making their unhappiness known, most of the feeling of actually utilizing certain heritage as well as cultural. A number of Maori tattoo designs has the connotation of a deep intense plus save sacred meanings that can be seen to offend when it is used to draw or reason for the visible.

For individuals who are interested in Maori tattoos and also hope to get one, there are various designs over the internet in the market for your stay you need to verify a specific meaning associated with what you have designed into your skin before going ahead with the idea. In case you are thinking of having a more traditional style of relating to the application of Maori tattoo plus you are the person who can put up with quite a lot of discomfort and also directed up to the old process then it is equally important to recognize the importance of tattoos for each and every line of Maori tattoo designs must be appropriate and should tell the story of a very own and provide certain important and interpretation.


[1]  Reese Williamson,

Jackie's Vintage Postcard

I caught up to Jackie after she passed me in Penn Station and I was delighted when she agreed to share her tattoo with us:

It's a truly remarkable piece, and I was thrilled to hear it was tattooed by the amazingly talented Amanda Wachob at Dare Devil Tattoo in New York City. She is well-known for an amazing eye for detail for tattoos that appear as if they were just painted on. I mean, look at this delicate touch on the back side of the piece:

Jackie explained that the tattoo is inspired by art in a book of vintage, early 1900's postcards that she found from Pleiades Press. She credited S. Solomko as the artist who created the original piece which inspired this tattoo.

She loved the vintage appearance of the original and Asked Amanda to recreate that feel.

She also loves, from an artistic perspective, the female form, and the sensuality of the peacock feathers fanning out at the bottom of the tattoo.

Again, I can't help but marvel at Amanda's artistry and how she paints on a tattoo:

Thanks again to Jackie for sharing her amazing tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!