Dragons are unique mythical creatures present in many cultures. Due to its magical and fantastic looks,
Dragons have special meanings to everyone. Spiritual, powerful, marvelous and mysterious are only some of the words used to define a
Dragon. Although, science has no exact explanation about these creatures, many believed that
Dragons are associated to human's life. And now they are being immortalized by
tattoo shops true
tribal dragon tattoo designs.

Aside from being a famous form of art,
tattoos are also meant to express one's feelings.
tattoos have been present in ancient civilization and until now used in the modern age. One of the greatest things featured in
tattooing are attractive designs that audience will surely be fond of. Among varieties of
tribal dragon tattoo designs are ones with broad and excellent designs. If before,
Dragons are only seen in books as well as in movies, they are now available as a skin art.

As mentioned a while ago,
Dragons have different meanings in everyone's life. Once you think of this creature, what's the first thing that comes from your mind? For Chinese people, they believed that
Dragons are the ones that bring wealth. That is why, they have performed the so-called
"dragon dance" during special occasions.
The creator
On the other hand, some mythological scripts explained that
Dragons is the one that creates the world. According to the myth, this creature has formed everything in the world such as humans, streams, rivers and mountains. Although myth has no basis, still there are a lot of individuals who really appreciated the history of
The protector
Scandinavian myth has the same beliefs about
Dragons. According to them,
Dragon is the one that protects human's life. Scandinavian myth stated that
Dragon is associated with life and death. In addition, the myth also stated that these lizard-like creatures have the power over four elements including water, air, fire and air.

In spite of the complements, there are also negative sites about
dragons. Christians do believe that
dragons means evil. In order words, this creature has nothing to do with human's life. Christians do believe on Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. However, it doesn't mean that Christians hate
dragons. With the wide range of
tribal dragon tattoo designs, it doesn't matter whether you are a member of Christian religion or not.
Tribal dragon tattoo can be inked in the skin with different sizes and colors. Most of the time,
tattoo artists gave meaning to
dragon designs by placing other usual stuffs like circles, pointed edges, spirals, curves and Gothic designs. Often,
dragon tattoos are seen in western guys. However, it doesn't mean that dragoons are only meant for men. There are also dragoon designs ideally made for teens and young women.